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2020译林版高中英语必修一 电子课本.pdf

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/ 三 普通高中教什书. . f 第一册译林出版社n1 三厂 Writing Group of English, Yilin Press and Oxford University Press (China) Limited 2019“Oxford” is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press英语编写组、译林出版社和牛津大学出版社 (中国) 有限公司 2019仅在中国大陆销售,不供出口。Oxford 为牛津大学出版社的注册商标。版权所有。未经版权所有人书面许可,不得在任何地区以任何形式、任何媒介、任何文字翻印、仿制或转载本书的内容、文字或图片。英语 (必修第一册)主 编 王守仁 何 锋副 主 编 顾爱彬 范红升编 写 Jo Kent Michelle Kaeser 邢文骏 胡 明 吴 宁 陈素萍 李 娜 夏 苇责任编辑 丁晓红 梁 健 马绯璠 潘志娟 装帧设计 译林出版社 韦 枫 胡 苨 黄 晨 牛津大学出版社 (中国) 有限公司 设计部出 版 译林出版社地 址 南京市湖南路 1 号 A 楼邮 箱 教材热线 02583658349, 83672889重 印 江苏凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司发 行 江苏凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司印 刷 开 本 890 毫米 1240 毫米 1/16印 张 8版 次 标准书号 定 价 版权所有 侵权必究如发现印、 装质量问题, 请与凤凰传媒联系。电话: 8008281132(固话拨打)二三/ f 勹三厂同学们:欢迎使用普通高中教科书 英语 必修第一册。本册教材围绕 “人与自我”的主题语境, 依托话题丰富、 文体多样的语篇, 引领你通过一系列英语学习活动, 发展英语学科核心素养。现在, 让我们走进教材, 开启一段有趣的英语学习之旅。 每个单元首页的 Welcome to the unit 板块是你单元学习的起点, 借助视频、图示、 文字等形式多样的语篇激发你的学习兴趣, 帮助你初步了解单元主题, 为单元学习做好热身准备。随后, 你将进入一个非常重要的学习环节Reading 板块。在这里, 你将有机会阅读关于高中学习生活、 父母与子女关系、 友谊以及身心健康等话题的语篇, 感受真实、 地道、 优美的英语, 了解青少年生活的方方面面。你可以通过一系列多维度、 分层次的阅读活动, 深入探究主题意义, 提升语言能力、 文化意识和思维能力。 来到 Grammar and usage 板块, 你将在语篇中观察、 探究语法现象,自主归纳语法规则, 并在新的语境和活动中正确使用语法。接下来, 在 Integrated skills 板块, 你将综合运用听、 说、 读、 看、 写的技能, 完成语言技能融合的活动。随后, 在 Extended reading 板块, 你将进行拓展阅读, 通过观点表达等活动, 进一步探究主题意义, 获得对青少年成长经历的新认识。在 Project 板块, 你将和同学一起开展合作学习、 探究学习, 完成一项综合性、 实践性活动。Assessment 板块以列表的形式提供自评、 互评等多种评价方式, 促使你及时反思并调整学习行为, 提升学习能力, 使学习更有成效。在 Further study 板块, 你可以根据自身的学习情况来选择我们推荐的资源在课后进行自主学习、 拓展学习, 继续体验英语学习的快乐。 祝你在这段英语学习之旅中, 带着梦想, 快乐而自信地前行 ! 高中 英语 编写组2019 年 5 月前 言二三/ f 勹三厂UnitWelcome to the unitReadingGrammar and usageIntegrated skills1 Back to school (p. 1)(p. 1) A videoRealizing your potential (p. 2) A speech transcriptTips: Reading for topic sentences (p. 4) Understanding a speech (p.4) Forming adjectives with suffixes (p. 5)Sentence elements and sentence structures (p. 6)Starting a new school club (p. 8) 2 Lets talk teens (p. 15)(p. 15) A poemStrangers under the same roof? (p. 16) A magazine articleTip: Forming abstract nouns (p. 19)Simple, compound and complex sentences (p. 20)Giving advice on parent-child relationships (p. 22) 3 Getting along with others(p. 29)(p. 29)A videoFriendship on the rocks: please advise! (p. 30) A forum exchangeTip: Learning collocations (p. 33)Restrictive relative clauses with relative pronouns (p. 34)Describing the qualities of a good friend (p. 36) 4 Looking good, feeling good(p. 43)(p. 43)Two listsTeen faints after skipping meals (p.44) A news reportTip: Understanding a news report (p. 46)Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs (p. 48)Expressing your opinion about plastic surgery (p. 50) Appendices: Text notes (p. 81) Grammar notes (p. 96) Book 1 Teenage experiencesCONTENTS二三/ f 勹三厂Extended readingProjectAssessmentFurther studyWorkbook School life in the UK (p. 11) A school magazine articleMaking a booklet about your school (p. 13)(p. 14)(p. 14)Exploring language (p. 57)Building skills (p.59)Appreciating language (p.62)Mama and Her Bank Account (p. 25) A short storyTip: Understanding a short story (p. 26)Creating a short play about parent-child relationships (p. 27)Tip: Performing a play (p. 27)(p. 28)(p. 28)Exploring language (p. 63)Building skills (p.65)Appreciating language (p.68)Of Friendship (p.39)An essayTip: Writing a summary (p. 40)Making a scrapbook about friendship (p. 41)Tip: Searching for information from different sources (p. 41)(p. 42)(p. 42)Exploring language (p. 69)Building skills (p.71)Appreciating language (p.74)Dont judge a book by its cover (p. 53) A magazine articleDesigning an app about a healthy lifestyle (p.55)(p. 56)(p. 56)Exploring language (p. 75)Building skills (p.77)Appreciating language (p.80) Wordlists (p. 101) Irregular verbs (p. 119) 二三/ f 勹三厂二三/ f 勹三厂Back to school1UNIT 1Back to schoolIf you learn without thinking, your efforts are made in vain. If you think without learning, in puzzlement you will remain. ConfuciusWelcome to the unitSenior high school is a time of learning and discovery. Watch the video and finishthe following exercises.In this unit, you are going to: readaseniorhighschoolprincipalsspeechtranscripttonewstudents; writeaproposalforanewschoolclub; readamagazinearticleaboutschoollifeintheUK; makeabookletaboutyourschool.1 Whatdoyouthinkofyournewschoollifesofar?2 Inwhatareasdoyouthinkyoucandowellatseniorhighschool?Inwhatareaswillyouhavetoworkharder?Wendy: feelsabitnervous; planstoworkharderinherstudiesandjointhe_.Stephen: feels_; planstospendmoretimeon_.二三/ 卤唱。勹三厂Unit 1 2Hello,everyone!Welcometoseniorhighschool!Todayisthestartofanewterm,thestartofathree-yearjourneyandthestartofapromisingfuture.Icantwaittodescribetoyouwhatseniorhighschoollifeislike.Thepathbeforeyouleadstoaworldfullofchallenges:anewenvironment,newknowledgeandnewwaysofthinking.However,forthoseofyouwithapositivemind,opportunityliesineachchallenge.Whenyourisetothechallenges,youwillhavetheopportunitytoacquiregreatknowledgeandenjoypersonalgrowth.Mostimportantly,yourtimeandeffortatseniorhighschoolwillopenthedoortoyourpotential.510Senior high school brings a lot of new